Abu-Ali Sina foundation is a full-service charity, academic, research and medical foundation that is ready to offer upmost services to patients. It is located in south of the country in Sadra city, Shiraz, Fars province. The purpose is providing and promoting society’s health which has been started its activities from 2018.
Fars Province, Iran
Fax: +98 71 1643 0038
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What is Diabetes?

Nutrition are absorbed through the gastro intestinal tract and they should pass through the liver. Liver do various actions on absorbed nutriments. One of the most important tasks of liver is blood sugar control. Extra sugar is saved in liver. By Insulin production in pancreas the existing sugar in blood enter blood cells. When there does not exist insulin, sugar cannot enter the cells. It means sugar density may be high in blood, but cells remain hungry. In this condition we say the patient has diabetes (blood sugar).

Insulin does not have any negative effect on kidneys, liver and other vital organs of body. Its most negative side effect is low blood sugar in case of overuse.

Lantus Insulin

It is one of the pen insulin that its most important advantage is that low blood sugar less likely happen after injection. Suitable doze is determined based on the patient’s weight. Lantus or Glargine insulin is a long-lasting effect insulin. It is the first insulin that has a constant and fixed effect during 42 hours.

This medicine gradually and during 42 hours is released in the body and produces a fixed amount of insulin in your body. This amount of insulin helps to control blood sugar in the intervals between meals. But you may be in need of other kinds of insulin after having food.

Insulin Pen

It should be kept in the refrigerator and between 2 to 8 centigrade before opening. But after opening, never keep it above 52 degree centigrade or in the refrigerator. This pen should be used to four weeks after opening. If some insulin remains in pen after one month, through it away.

Lantus is a clear insulin and it should be used once a day in a particular time.

Insulin injection sites

Abdomen, back of the arms, the front of the legs and hip are the best insulin injection sites. Insulin absorption is much more in abdomen. To avoid muscles wasting followed by insulin injection, change the site of injection each time.


Insulin injection by the patient

  • Provide necessary tools (insulin and alcoholic cotton)
  • Select injection site and insulin doze
  • If you use alcoholic cotton let the skin surface be dry
  • Hold the skin with finger and thumb (as if pinching)
  • Keep the Lantus like a pen
  • Enter siring into the skin horizontally (in big muscles) or with 45 degree centigrade (in small muscles).
  • Inject the determined dozes by putting the bottom of siring
  • Extract the siring from the skin


    1. picsolution.org دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران

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