Abu-Ali Sina foundation is a full-service charity, academic, research and medical foundation that is ready to offer upmost services to patients. It is located in south of the country in Sadra city, Shiraz, Fars province. The purpose is providing and promoting society’s health which has been started its activities from 2018.
Fars Province, Iran
Fax: +98 71 1643 0038
Fax: +98 71 1643 0038
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Patients Guide

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The following points are required when referring to the laboratory to obtain the most accurate results

The liver is one of the largest and most important organs of the body, located in the upper right of the abdomen and below the ribs, and is made up of millions of active cells.

Washing hands is the most important act in disease prevention because your hands are in direct contact with the patient’s body and even with patient’s body fluid.

Liver transplant is not only the definitive way to cure advanced liver failure (cirrhosis), but it is also effective in treating some liver genetic disorders such as Crigler–Najjar disease.